The Last Lamentation | Santarcangelo Festival | July 13, 2024

July 13 h. 19.15 e 20.30

Valentina Medda’s performance project The Last Lamentation is presented on July 13 at Santarcangelo Festival in two performances.

The Last Lamentation is a funeral elegy for the Mediterranean, understood by the artist as a place of waiting, suspension and passing away, the embodiment of an absence, a collective ritual where the sea is conceived as a corpse, an extended, hybrid, fluid, interspecies body. A body of water, solid and liquid together, conveying and dissolving different bodies, liquefying the binary distinctions between the living and the nonliving. For Santarcangelo, the work flows into the Marecchia River, recalling themes of water scarcity, climate migration, the tragedy of the sea and the planet-here looked at from another temporality, distant but very near, from the point of view of the end. Orchestrated by 12 women who, with their backs to the audience, dot the landscape, The Last Lamentation consists of a repetitive and hypnotic vocal and choreographic score that reworks traditional codes into contemporary and abstract forms. Simple gestures are accompanied by a preverbal language that connects the mourners to their surroundings in a crescendo that becomes a litany, the result of the meeting of different worlds.


Via Vecchia Marecchia


by Valentina Medda
with Ornella Bavaro, Beatrice Brunetto, Eleonora Camerotto, Barbara Cavaliere, Camilla Crescentini, Manuela Manca, Martina Gabrielli, Elena Gozzi, Sofia Longhini, Anna Laura Penna, Dina Rotatori
music by Gaspare Sammartano
main vocalist Marianna Murgia
production ZEIT Art Research
co-production Sardegna Teatro, Santarcangelo Festival
dissemination Valentina Medda

project curated by Maria Paola Zedda as part of and with the support of the Italian Council (2022), Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity, Ministry of Culture
artist supported by the Stronger Peripheries – A Southern Coalition network (Bunker, Sardinia Theatre, The Arboretum – Mondaino’s Teatro Dimora)

photo Claudia Borgia – performance Valentina Medda, © Borgia / Medda

The Last Lamentation | Santarcangelo Festival | July 13, 2024


Via Vecchia Marecchia